Summit Imagery

Dutchman Flat Zen

The wild places of this planet are, in the truest sense, sacred space. I am endlessly appalled by the greed and ignorance of those who seek to destroy these sacred spaces for profit or power and thereby deny these treasures to all future generations. I do not have the skill set required to fight these people in the courts or the legislatures, but I am an artist and the Earth gives purpose to my work. My art is my activism and my advocacy; and this shall be my manifesto: Inspire, Educate, Resist.

Inspire – Share the beauty of the Sacred Spaces of this Earth, which I have been privileged both to witness and to photograph, with all who might be open to it’s voice.

Educate – Provide any of my work or artistic resources freely to any organization that seeks to teach future generations to enjoy, respect, and defend the Sacred Spaces of this Earth.

Resist – Provide any of my work or artistic resources freely to any organization devoted to aggressively protecting the Sacred Spaces of this Earth, and to donate 100% of the proceeds of any artwork sales to such organizations.

– Steven McBurnett, Photographer

“All the variety, all the charm, all the beauty of life is made up of light and shadow.”
Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina